C - B - D Hemp Tincture & OMEGA 5 Moon Ritual
The purpose of the Hemp | Omega 5 Waxing and Waning Cycle is to support the body's endocannabinoid system. The goal is not to become dependent on the tincture, but rather to maximize its effectiveness by encouraging the body's own production.
Following the Cycles of the Moon
Our Waxing and Waning Moon Ritual is based on the cycle of the moon. At the New Moon, begin with 2 drops of tincture per day for 5 days, 3 drops for the next 5 days, 4 drops per day for the next 3 days, and 6 drops on the final day, or Full Moon. Switch to
Waning Moon Omega 5 for the next 2 weeks, starting with 6 drops per day for the first 4 days, moving down to 5 drops per day the next 5 days, and 4-2 drops per day the last 5 days of the moon cycle.
Reunion Rebalance Full Spectrum Organic Hemp Extract C - B - D
750mg | 30ml
-Pain, Anxiety, Unrest-
Reunion Rest Full Spectrum Organic Hemp Extract C - B - D
500mg + 1000mg | 30ml
-For Sleep-
Reunion Reboot Full Spectrum Organic Hemp Extract C - B - D
500mg | 30ml
-For Focus-
Waning Moon: Omega 5 Oil
Along with holistic lifestyle considerations, the rest period is an important part of encouraging your body's own production of endocannabinoids. We chose pomegranate and coconut oils for their well-documented anti-inflammatory properties. Use this anti-inflammatory blend to support the body while taking a break from the activity of the tincture.
Note: Omega 5 Oil does not contain hemp.