Integrative Therapy for Damaged Skin
Who is Integrative Therapy for Damaged Skin for?
Clients of all ages who want to improve the appearance skin that has been afflicted with past conditions that may have resulted in hyper-pigmentation, red spots, uneven skin texture, and scars. This therapy is only suitable for when the skin is functioning optimally—we do not perform this treatment if the skin is currently experiencing an immune response.
What can I expect from Integrative Therapy for Damaged Skin?
After your first session, you can expect your skin to feel active and moisturized, though slightly tight. The skin might feel a little hot or red that evening into the next day. This is expected and desirable, though it is perfectly OK if it isn’t noticeable. You will be given very specific directions, worksheets and (perhaps) videos to follow. You will find that it will take up to 2 weeks to see the full results of each service.
You can expect to see results in 2-3 weeks and further reduction in 2-4 months of regular sessions. From there, we will reassess and either continue with this same therapy or begin with Integrative Therapies to Maintain Radiance (at every age).