Grounding Energy Crystals
Each beautiful stone has a unique construction of energy bringing vibrational medicine to increase our flow of energy and contribute to our healing both physical and spiritual.
Black Tourmaline Protection & Spiritual Grounding
This powerful agent will aid in the elimination of negative energy as well as absorbing electromagnetic waves that can cause body disruption. Use it to ground yourself during plant medicine journeys or keep near you when you work with internet connected devices.
*These stones are smallish, about the size of half your thumb. They are best suited placed near internet devices.*
SodaliteGround energy in the present, yet find insight and pattern
This stone’s energy will stimulate you to live up to your own ideals and ideas about the nature of truth. It will aid you in releasing blockages and wrongs of an ancestral origin as well as hone your natural intuition.
*Stone Sizes will vary to some extent, but are generally a comfortable fit in the palm of the hand.*